45+ Surprising Cases Of “It Ain’t Stupid If It Works”
We regularly read about a stupid life hack on the internet, laugh, and scroll down. They may appear absurd, but what if some of them truly work? Sometimes the stupid-sounding hacks work. So you might not want to dismiss the next hack you hear about. We give stories of a few people who tried out foolish hacks and discovered they were useful.
Starbucks in Rescue
This is the silliest but most effective hack for people with bad recalls, especially those who decided to have a one-night stand but discovered she is worth more afterward. Starbucks deserves special recognition in this regard.

Starbucks In Rescue
It’s incredible how they write people’s names on coffee mugs. Furthermore, if you take her to Starbucks in the morning, you will learn her name and leave a lasting imprint on her memory.
The Makeup Remover Hack
It is impossible to leave the house without deodorant. The worst are the nasty white stains on the underarms of T-shirts, especially when they show on your favorite T-shirt. As a result, there is no way to avoid them.

The Makeup Remover Hack
Furthermore, they remain visible even after you wash them. A lady reveals a great stain removal technique. Wipe the spots away with a tissue soaked in makeup remover. You’ll get rid of them in no time.
No More Ads
Ads are, without a doubt, the most annoying thing. If you can’t avoid it, it gets worse. You would not be whining about YouTube ads if you knew about this fantastic exploit. Scroll to the bottom of YouTube.

No More Ads
After that, restart the video. It will automatically skip all the ads. However, this trick only works if you watch YouTube on your phone. If you are watching on your PC, you will have to wait until the skip option appears.
Stay Organized With Styrofoam
It is not uncommon for small tools required for furniture assembly to be misplaced. Following that, the difficulty in locating those small parts changes.

Stay Organized With Styrofoam
Styrofoam may store tiny pieces such as screws and other parts required for furniture assembly. This eliminates the possibility of ever losing those pieces again. Sometimes they are gone permanently, making it difficult to piece them together.
Light Up the Basement
A man desired natural illumination in his basement. So he acquired two old windows for a very low price, worked on them for a while, and added some LED lights behind them. Being a bit imaginative can help you save a lot of money.

Light Up The Basement
There you have it! It may appear to be a lot of labor, but just look at the amount of inventiveness! It’s now always two o’clock in the afternoon in his basement, even if it’s truly two o’clock in the middle of the night.
Think and Innovate
Are crows making it difficult to produce raspberries? So, there you have it. To keep crows away from their raspberry plants, one individual painted some pebbles to look like strawberries and placed them next to the bushes.

Think And Innovate
When the birds pecked those fake strawberries, they were upset when they learned they were rocks and fled. Call us crazy, but we believe genius comes with insanity.
You Do What You Do
Have you ever attempted to cancel your Comcast service? Then you may have come upon their horrible marketing policy. To be honest, the fight we have after canceling a product, particularly Comcast, is quite irritating.

You Do What You Do
They are continuously attempting to persuade us to continue using their services. After attempting to terminate his Comcast service six times, this guy devised a new strategy. When he claimed he was going to prison, they immediately began the canceling procedure.
The Dog Who Drinks Water
Is your dog a sloppy drinker? Then perhaps you’ll find this hack handy. Rolo was the name of a dog owned by a man. Rolo is a notoriously sloppy drinker. He makes a mess every time he drinks water and spills it on the floor.

The Dog Who Drinks Water
The guy’s girlfriend devised a strategy. She made a moss garden and placed a bowl of water in it. When the dog drinks water now, he is watering the garden. At its finest, creativity!
Read Books in Church Without Getting Caught
Are you a bookworm? Then you may relate to how the atmosphere of the church constantly makes you want to read books every time you come.

Read Books In Church Without Getting Caught
So, a clever grandfather devised a surefire plan to read books in church. His grandson had no idea why all his books were wrapped in duct tape. He stated he filmed them all so he could read them in church.
Puppy Pocket in Sweatshirt
Only pet owners will understand this. There was a man at a supermarket. He was scared his dog would make a scene, but he couldn’t carry him and get anything done simultaneously.

Puppy Pocket In Sweatshirt
So he reversed his sweater, and the hoodie appeared in the front section. Then he stuffed the puppy into the hoodie – a two-minute DIY puppy pocket!
Read Scientific Journals for Free
Students may not always be able to afford to purchase a journal. You have to pay a lot of money to the publisher whenever you want to read a scientific magazine. Furthermore, the money is paid to the publisher, and the authors receive no compensation.

Read Scientific Journals For Free
A lady with a Ph.D. recently raised this topic on Twitter. According to her, we can simply email the paper’s author and get a free copy. Who’d have guessed?
Black and White
Do you always put the incorrect headphone in the wrong ear? It’s quite inconvenient to misplace the earphones and constantly reposition them. We can all connect to this.

Black And White
Furthermore, it becomes more bothersome while resting in bed with no lights on but your phone’s screen light. To avoid this daily annoyance, a man put a black rubber on the right earphone and a white rubber on the left earpiece. He will never have to deal with the problem again.
Bring the Chips
How many of you have experienced the irritation of sitting down to watch TV only to realize you left snacks or popcorn in the kitchen? If you have a partner, you don’t need to get up and bring it over.

Bring The Chips
A man’s tweet recently went viral. He was sitting with his wife when he heard his phone ring with a text message. He returned to his phone and discovered that his wife had texted him to grab the chips package. Isn’t that amusing?
Get Gifts From Billionaires
A woman’s recent tweet went viral because it included a clever technique for newlyweds. According to her, extending invitations to as many billionaires as possible increases your chances of receiving a present.

Get Gifts From Billionaires
Yes, it sounds stupid. But what’s the harm in giving it a shot? You don’t have to get married if you want to give it a go. Do you comprehend what we’re saying?
Get Rid of the Ear Ache After Wearing Masks
The epidemic has made us all realize how inconvenient it is to wear a mask for an extended time. The ears are severely damaged, but there is nothing you can do because wearing a mask has become mandatory.

Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites
A nurse related her experience with this. She stitched two buttons on either side of her headband and attached the straps to the buttons – she essentially spared her ears from the agony.
Improvise, Connect, Lock
Do you have a shortage of big Ziplock bags? Do you require them right away? Make your own in less than a minute with this handy little hack. You will need two medium-sized zip lock bags for this.

Improvise, Connect, Lock
To begin, flip one of them, then grab both and attach them. There you have it! You’ve got your enormous zip-lock bag right here. You no longer need to go grocery shopping for a single little bag.
The Telephone Rice
How many times have you accidentally dropped your phone in the water? We presume you have at least one in your life. As strange as it may sound, rice works well as a desiccant in this situation.

The Telephone Rice
If you drop your phone in water, place it in rice for a few hours, and it should be fine to go again. If you frequently drop your phone in water, grab some rice and place it in a different box, as this grandmother did.
Save Up
Most families are difficult to manage since so many distinct personalities clash. The equation becomes even more complicated when money is thrown into the mix. On the other hand, this poster’s uncle discovered a fantastic trick.

Save Up
He has falsely requested money from his family to ensure that no one ever thinks of approaching him for a loan. Your relatives will also leave your finances alone if you use this simple approach!
Make a Suit With Your Pants
As strange as it may sound, this approach may be useful for someone who does not own a suit yet need one for a formal photograph. This picture of a man constructing a suit out of his jeans quickly went popular on the internet. He achieved this by taking a pair of slacks and placing them above his shoulder.

Make A Suit With Your Pants
One of his pals was holding his pants. Another of his friends photographed him with a picture frame framing from his chest. This is a fantastic hack for anyone who wants a formal shot immediately.
Remove Strong Adhesive Tapes
Who hasn’t struggled with removing sticky tapes from a plastic container? There is no way you can since the amount of time and energy we put into this is a daily fight for all of us!

Remove Strong Adhesive Tapes
Someone on the internet had the wonderful idea of removing strong adhesive tapes from plastic containers. Put the containers in the fridge for a few hours and watch the magic happen. This individual is unquestionably deserving of a Nobel Prize.
The Hook and Pulley System
When you live far away from your elderly grandparents or parents, you are always concerned about their well-being. If they live upstairs, it becomes more difficult for them to carry groceries or other heavy items.

The Hook And Pulley System
An older citizen had the wonderful idea of using a hook and pulley system to lift objects. That’s great! Well, this technique will relieve both your and their stress.
Out of Tissue Paper
This hack, on the other hand, is incredible. How many times have you noticed that there is no tissue left on the toilet paper roll after you have finished your business in the bathroom?

Out Of Tissue Paper
Is this something unusual? Keep the toilet paper roll like this the next time you use the final tissue; it will benefit others. However, it irritates us every time it occurs. Why don’t they pass legislation?
Fork in Rescue
How many times have you inadvertently injured yourself while slicing the last of the vegetables? Every single time? Yes, we are aware. That’s why we devised this effective culinary technique to alleviate your suffering.

Fork In Rescue
Use a fork to shred the remaining portions of any vegetable, such as a carrot. It will both assist you in avoiding shredding your skin and make shredding much easier for you. You may thank us afterward!
No More Tears
Onions are an excellent supplement to our diet. Onions are used in the majority of the recipes. The most difficult component of any recipe is chopping the onions. Do you have a similar experience?

No More Tears
Say no more about the tears, the horror, and the risk of cutting your hand while chopping onions. Protecting your eyes with shield-like ski goggles is an effective technique to alleviate the itch. With a shot of herself wearing ski goggles while cutting onions, this stylish mom went viral.
The Phone Holder
What about going to see a movie? Sounds amazing. However, holding the phone for that long will harm your hands. If you’ve ever flown, you’ll realize how tedious it is to pass the time.

The Phone Holder
To get rid of it, place your phone in a transparent plastic bag and hang it from the hook. There you have it! You may easily view your favorite movie or series on the aircraft. However, you need to require wireless headphones to do so.
The Zoo Employee
Do you want the zoo’s animals to approach you? It’s difficult since they only go close to the zoo personnel because they know them. While visiting a zoo, study the colors of the staff’s clothing.

The Zoo Employee
Select a color to wear. If you’re wondering if the animal you prefer is colorblind, realize that some animals have limited color vision but can perceive the standard rainbow hues. If you approach the lovely small creatures, they will not be scared.
The Permanent Marker Hassle
It is not unusual for us to write something with a permanent marker on a shiny surface or a dry-erase board and then struggle to remove it.

The Permanent Marker Hassle
We also have a workaround for this. When this happens, consider using a dry-erase marker to erase it. Rewriting with the marker will erase everything, and you will be free of this difficulty.
The Crayon Candle
Did you know that crayons can be used to make candles? Didn’t you? If you build a fire on the top of a crayon, it will glow like a candle and provide you with an hour of light. Let us break it down for you.

The Crayon Candle
Crayons, as intriguing as they sound, are combustible. However, only do this in an emergency. Because crayons have a melting point, the wax will flow everywhere, making the environment filthy.
The Cursed Ring
How many times have you tried on a ring that got caught on your pudgy fingers? When this happens, it is both annoying and terrifying. This is something that many of us can relate to.

The Cursed Ring
An experienced jewelry store employee recently revealed a tip for this. When a ring becomes trapped in your finger, apply Windex. Windex contains a powerful solution that will assist you in removing the cursed ring.
Make Your Roommate Do the Cleaning
Austin created a phony profile of a hot girl and paired her with his roommate. A Twitter user published this a few days ago, and quickly became a meme. This tactic is very stupid, yet it is a tried and true strategy.

Make Your Roommate Do The Cleaning
He intended to inform his roommate (the girl) that he would be cleaning the flat. We recommend using this if you have an obnoxious roommate.
The Transformation of Stained T-Shirt
Almost everyone has stains on their t-shirt at some point in their lives. Have you considered experimenting with the stain? Draw on the T-shirt with a permanent marker, such as a Sharpie.

The Transformation Of Stained T Shirt
You may also do different kinds of drawings. Maybe outline the island and name it like the person in the photo. This will give the T-shirt the appearance of being personalized.
The Low-Cost Cow Rug
The Cow rug is one of the nicest things on the planet, but it costs roughly $500, which is a lot of money. Not everyone can afford to spend so much money on a cow rug. We may, however, hack it and create our customized version.

The Low Cost Cow Rug
This hack was just disclosed on Twitter by a female. She took two white and pink carpets and taped them together using duct tape. The low-cost bespoke pink cow rug is finished!
Watch Your Favourite Channel Anywhere You Go
We can all connect to this. Most of the time, when we visit a facility such as a hospital, a bar, or a shopping mall, the television programs may not be to our liking.

Watch Your Favourite Channel Anywhere You Go
We can persuade you that there are alternatives to viewing it and being bored. Take your remote to these locations and change the station if you don’t like it. Impressed?
The Valentine’s Day Hack for Singles
This is perhaps the silliest hack on the list, but it will come in handy if you are single. Your pals are with their partners, uploading tales and spending precious time together.

The Valentine’s Day Hack For Singles
Whereas you’re alone in your flat, checking your phone now and then as if someone will text you. Stop daydreaming and watch a scary film. You will no longer feel alone.
Pro Tip to Match on Tinder
On Tinder, you typically swipe left when you don’t like a person’s profile and right when you wish to match. This is our favorite on the list. This person recently tweeted this hack, and we couldn’t stop giggling.

Pro Tip To Match On Tinder
So the person had the bright notion of posting all the photographs upside down. Girls will turn their phones to view him and swipe left to reject him- but the left is correct since it’s reversed, and you get a new match!
Make Them Hang Up
If you are an introvert or dislike conversing on the phone, this is your best option. Nowadays, it is normal for people to avoid phone conversations.

Make Them Hang Up
It’s not a good thing, but we can’t deny that we’re so used to texting that it’s unpleasant to talk to someone on the phone. To avoid this, state your phone’s battery is nearly empty shortly after you pick it up. Modern issues necessitate modern answers.
Bilingual, Not an Idiot
How often have you begun talking and realized you couldn’t think of anything to say? Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the term. We understand the shame you feel every time this happens.

Bilingual, Not Idiot
As a result, we included this as a hack so that you don’t lose your charm and make a fool of yourself. Assume you forgot your English. It may appear stupid, yet it may be effective.
The DIY Earthquake Detection Kit
This tactic will never let you down. If you are a teacher, you will find it quite beneficial. Rather than investing a fortune in earthquake detection gear, invest in a pair of googly eyes. Wrap the googly eyes on paper and tape them on the wall.

The DIY Earthquake Detection Kit
Place four or five of them throughout the class. To make it appear nice, use colored paper. When the earthquake occurs, the kit will have a seizure.
The Two Magical Words
Are you going to a new place and don’t know the language? If you travel frequently, you are aware that knowing a large number of languages is impossible. You just cannot devote that much time to it. However, knowing only two words may take you a long way.

The Two Magical Words
Please and Thank You are the two magical words. Simple words might help you order meals or inquire for directions. It is significant since the majority of the natives do not speak English.
Get Rid of Mosquito Bites
Do you experience those itchy rashes after being bitten by a mosquito? Then this is the hack for you. To begin, wet the back of a spoon with boiling water. After that, put it on the bite. Remove it only once the heat has been removed.

Get Rid Of Mosquito Bites
Within a few hours, you will notice that the itching has subsided and the bite mark has vanished. Repeat twice for a quick outcome. However, make sure the spoon’s temperature is tolerable. Otherwise, you run the danger of burning your skin.
Unwanted Emails Appear in Your Spam
You may think about it a hundred times before revealing our email address to join up for something. It’s because they constantly send obnoxious advertising emails to my mailbox.

Unwanted Emails Appear In Your Spam
Don’t be concerned! We also have a hack for it. While providing your email address, add +spam to the end of your username, and you’re done! All emails they send are automatically sent to the spam folder.
The Safest Insecticide In The World
Cockroaches are the worst creatures on the planet. Do you concur? We don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t. Insecticides are not inexpensive. Furthermore, they are dangerous. So we devised this fantastic pesticide mixture that is both inexpensive and safe.

The Safest Insecticide On World
Fill a bottle halfway with water and add some liquid dish soap. The combination should be primarily water with a little dish soap. Shake the bottle to create a frothy mixture. Spray it on the cockroaches and watch them fall over.
The Wet Knife Hack
Here’s another method for getting rid of watery eyes while cutting onions. Use a damp knife to chop the onions. Maintain an open faucet and dip your knife at regular intervals. If you don’t have a ski goggles, this method will come in handy.

The Wet Knife Hack
We can’t promise you won’t experience a reaction, but it won’t be as awful as it was previously. However, if you must leave the faucet running, collect the water in a container and reuse it rather than waste it.
The Awful Jalapeno Burn
How often have you avoided cooking because the dish called for jalapenos or other spicy peppers? We don’t hold it against you. Something other is the horrible burning sensation we receive after chopping these vegetables.

The Awful Jalapeno Burn
There is a good tip for getting rid of that burning sensation immediately. After cutting jalapenos or other spicy peppers, rub some cooking oil onto your hands. Dish soap should be used to wash your hands. Thank us afterward.
The Forgotten Name
How many of you have encountered a close friend and forgotten their name? It has happened to us so frequently that it is almost humiliating. That is why we devised a method to prevent you from humiliation.

The Forgotten Name
Begin speaking to them as though you recall them. Discuss your whereabouts and everything. After that, ask them their name casually. When they give you their name and look startled, tell them you want to know their last name. Does it sound right?
The Vinegar Formula
Is your faucet filthy, with decade-old rust and other debris? We have a solution to get rid of those filthy objects. Fill a plastic bag halfway with vinegar.

The Vinegar Formula
Because vinegar is acidic, it separates the mineral deposit from the limescale. Tie the bag around the faucet with a rubber band, and your faucet will shine like new. Please keep in mind, however, that the procedure takes time.