40+ Creepy Private Messages That Will Give Anyone The Creeps
We’re here to publish screenshots of some of the stranger and more ominous private messages that users have ever received. At this point, almost everyone who has browsed the internet has received a creepy message at some point in their lives. The content of the message may vary, but they’re all creepy regardless. However, there are some creepy messages that simply outshine all other creepy messages that anyone has ever seen. You might even be shocked to see just what happens in some people’s private messages! Don’t trust us? Just scroll down and have a look. You’ll simultaneously want to laugh, cry, and switch your accounts to private! We sincerely hope you enjoy them as much as we did.
What’s the Dress Code?
We want to be prepared if we are asked to an event, and that entails being aware of the dress code so we can dress appropriately.

What’s The Dress Code?
However, this guy didn’t recommend donning a tux since he was inviting his crush to a formal occasion. He made a much more, shall we say, casual offer, despite the fact that we wish that were the case since it would have been the stuff that movies are built of.
Just Destroyed You
There’s a good probability that a hacker has the upper hand when they interact with you online. They have unlawful access to your data, which is why this is the case. Or so they claim.

Just Destroyed You
As it turns out, the particular hacker wasn’t dealing with a scaredy-cat when he tried to play that card. The person who received these threats did a good job of stripping the hacker of any tools he might have believed he had.
That Escalated Quickly
We criticize this generation of texters. primarily because they annoy us with their post-workout selfies and anecdotes about avocado toast. However, there are situations when we have valid grounds for disliking someone, such as the way that things might escalate very fast.

That Escalated Quickly
For instance, you can see the female is uninterested quite early on in this talk. However, the loving boy keeps spewing more words. Even better, he offers to proceed directly to marriage without any further dating (which was never an option). Kid, read the room!
A Not So Secret Admirer
It seems so innocent and adorable when we hear tales of hidden admirers leaving roses in children’s lockers at school, but things aren’t always as rosy as they seem. Look at what we accomplished there! We will now discuss a more common scenario to bring you back to reality from dreamland.

A Not So Secret Admirer
The delivery man for your furniture decides to break the terms of his agreement by using your number to call you up. Until we read the second message, we were about to lose all respect for this guy. We’re hoping he’s going to go confess!
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Like trying to predict the weather, when you’re interested in someone, you try to figure out if they feel the same way. It’s a risky endeavor because the weather tends to change quickly from hot to cold.

Baby, It’s Cold Outside
So, even though this guy was hot for this female (get it? ), she didn’t reciprocate. She wasn’t just chilly in her texts; she also actually was cold. She is fortunate to have central heating. We certainly hope that the man has some cream to rub on the rejection burn he received!
Texting Sweet Nothings
You’ve heard the expression “whisper sweet nothings,” which basically indicates that someone is flattering you in a whisper. Since people seldom ever converse in real life anymore, we’ve chosen to update that.

Texting Sweet Nothings
No, we crouch behind our smartphones and offer up cliched, spooky compliments, much like Sebastian has done in this instance. Do not follow in his footsteps if you are trying to get a date with your crush!
Monthly Occurrences
We are aware that there are a few things we may anticipate with each new month. The first item is our paycheck, which is the fun part. The bills arrive after that, which tends to rob us and our accounts of all the fun we had been having.

Monthly Occurrences
But hey, that’s just part of growing up. What isn’t a regular monthly occurrence, you ask? a regular text message from a weirdo on Instagram. However, that is the purpose of excellent comebacks, and boy did this person give!
Spice it Up
Roleplaying is a technique used by couples to liven up their interactions and alter the usual storyline. However, the situation doesn’t exactly scream sexy. We, therefore, want to give these texters a few pointers.

Spice It Up
First off, avoid using asterisks to separate your sentences; it’s excessive and unsettling. The kitchen-obsessed respondent should concentrate on the wider picture in this case. Stop being so picky, because your partner is attempting to seduce you. Even we find you annoying.
Speaking Two Languages
It makes sense that there will occasionally be misunderstandings when people’s mother tongues are different. On the other hand, these individuals were actively engaging in two separate conversations in the same language.

Speaking Two Languages
The other was just talking about her dog, but the first was trying to talk nasty. Since he is the dog for speaking that way, we are actually relieved that the dog lover did not comprehend this guy’s love language. The mic is now being put down!
The Creepy Babysitter
In particular, while the parents are away, babysitters are expected to watch for and protect children. But it seems like there are occasions when the children require protection from the babysitter. Don’t trust us? Just take a look at this history of the text.

The Creepy Babysitter
This former babysitter is not only completely wrong for stepping beyond the lines and attempting his luck, but he is also extremely angry. Get this man his medication before he ends himself in handcuffs, please!
Nations Apart
The best thing about modern technology is that it allows us to communicate with people all over the world, proving that relationships can still flourish despite the distance.

Nations Apart
However, despite the fact that they may be geographically far apart, these individuals have completely diverse perspectives on one another. While one attempts to be flirtatious, the other is giving a quick history lesson on Armenia. Ha!
She’s an Asset
A parent’s love for their child is unwavering. Most people view raising a child as a priceless gift, regardless of the expense involved. most are the key word. Because some strange outliers believe having a child is as easy as going into a store to make a purchase.

She’s An Asset
That is exactly how the text from this woman was received. When someone asks you to buy your child, it’s one thing to pursue them and inquire about where they got their clothing or whether they’re selling a piece of furniture.
Keep Lying to Yourself
Only when they pretend to be someone else after being rejected is a creep more annoying than them trying their luck with you. I mean, just be honest and admit that she isn’t really into you.

Keep Lying To Yourself
We’ve got some advice for this toolbag who had the gall to advise his infatuation to “keep dreaming”: stop pretending to be a slick operator and learn how to approach women. All OK, bye for now!
Accidents Happen
Things can happen when we least expect them and leave us feeling horrible about ourselves. Forgetting a friend’s birthday, as an example. But fortunately, we now have Facebook’s algorithm to assist us with that.

Accidents Happen
Speaking of accidents, the person who was attempting to insult this girl instead gave her the highest praise. Ouch! To have to live with that error must hurt. Next time, have better luck, champ!
Send Pics
This text message exchange ought to serve as the narrative’s spokesperson for creepy PMs. You might wonder why. Why? Well, because it says a lot in a short amount of time. First of all, this guy was speaking one thing while really meaning another.

Send Pics
Then, instead of just leaving him alone, this female made the choice to make him pay. Though it wasn’t hers, she sent him the required physique image. In all honesty, we have no idea what that is. a nonhuman? What animal? possibly an anteater Probably never will know.
You can bet your bottom dollar that there will be consequences if you decide to harass people online by sending inappropriate photos.

This was the situation with the individual who received a violation report. You little incompetent, good luck trying to worm your way out of this one (beep). Payback is coming to make up for your wrongdoings and bite you in the behind.
A Beautiful Throuple
We smirked as we read the series of messages. When someone is rejected so brutally, it is usually humorous. We’re compensating for the rejected party even though we know he’s not grinning.

A Beautiful Throuple
Could the “beautiful couple’s” other half have disappointed him more easily? Yes, but then most likely it wouldn’t have been interesting enough to screenshot. What a sick, twisted world we live in where one man’s suffering is another man’s pleasure, right people?
Double the Fun
How many of you are familiar with the proverb “Double the chins, double the fun”? If you’re baffled by this, don’t worry; we just made it up now. We were motivated by that chin-friendly selfie!

Double The Fun
We adore this girl for her wonderful sense of humor. We would likely give someone the middle finger if they asked for inappropriate photos, but we’ve since learned a better response: the art of the double chin.
Stranger Danger
All of it has now been heard and seen. The spookiest text we’ve received thus far belongs to this stranger from Laguna Beach. We don’t even know where to start because this has so many creepy layers, but please be patient while we try.

Stranger Danger
First off, just because she smiled at him, it doesn’t necessarily mean that she likes him. Second, the true shocker is that he recalled and wrote down her phone number—which wasn’t intended for him. The point at which our minds blow up is when he then had the audacity to believe that this message would be delivered.
Definitely Not Dr. Phil
We immediately think of the well-known and adored Dr. Phil when we hear the name, Phil. Even though there are many other Phils, we can’t help but assume that they will all be friendly and joyful.

Definitely Not Dr. Phil
Ah, up till today. Because this Phil is strangely controlling for a stranger and also frightening. What gives him the authority to address a woman in such a manner? Officially, we no longer enjoy Phils!
Too Far
When it comes to girls and dating, boys will to quite considerable lengths to acquire what they want. But to pretend to have a disease that doesn’t even exist is too far beyond our comprehension. Who else does this person believe he is fooling?

Too Far
We just hope that she wasn’t actually buying the nonsense he was peddling and that she was just being sarcastic in her responses. What happened to romantic dinners and letters written by candlelight? No, right now it’s all about ego and nudity.
Platform to Platform
We have some advice for all the too-eager young people out there: if you try your luck and no one seems interested in you, then that’s it.

Platform To Platform
Therefore, there is no point in switching to another social media platform if your interaction—or, more accurately, lack of interaction—took place on one of those platforms. You simply exude a creepy and desperate appearance, neither of which are desirable qualities in a person.
Don’t Pet Me
Petting animals is acceptable for dogs, cats, and perhaps trained monkeys kept in zoos, but not people. So it just baffles us that this weirdo thought saying that would be cool when he was first getting to know this girl online.

Don’t Pet Me
These people need to put down their phones and have the guts to communicate with others in person. without the petting, of course.
A Casual Marriage
We are aware of incidental connections. We are aware of a few, even though they are not our top picks. But we don’t appear to be able to comprehend a casual marriage.

A Casual Marriage
We are aware that we shouldn’t pass judgment until we have experienced being casual lovers, but there must be a boundary. We’ve decided to put the spotlight squarely on this married man who feels free to text and make advances toward the married delivery woman.
All Talk, No Action
We don’t get too enthused about advertising anymore. It’s like holding out a carrot to someone. This basically means that, unless you’re offering us the carrot, we won’t be all that interested.

All Talk, No Action
Our analogy may have left you confused, but that’s okay. In essence, we want to see results, not just words. After all, this guy’s game and rhetoric are both cheap. Instead of telling me, you can be hilarious, simply demonstrate it for me!
Recruiters These Days
You used to be hired for “traditional” jobs like modeling or acting, but as time has passed, so too has the hiring process. You might now be chosen to be someone’s sugar baby…

Recruiters These Days
If you’re not familiar with the phrase, that’s okay; we’ll explain it to you. It describes someone who receives financial support for specific favors from an older man or woman. These favors might take many different forms, but they almost always lack professionalism. Yikes!
Take the Hint
It’s not always simple to read a room in real life and determine if someone is into you or not. However, while communicating by text, everything is clearly stated. We know it’s cold but clearly, they’re not getting the drift.

Take The Hint
So, with that in mind, this texter should have taken the hint that this girl wasn’t interested as opposed to bombarding her with an overload of questions. Unfortunately for ignorant folks like him, the best thing one can do is block them.
Different Game Preferences
Sweet little Izzy mistakenly believed this guy was asking about her preferred online games, but he actually had another kind of roleplay in mind. The other one is into more improper games, while she enjoys playing the Tieflings Race for Dungeons & Dragons.

Different Game Preferences
Izzy could have completely avoided this embarrassing meeting if she had just realized that sooner! But on the other hand, we wouldn’t get to enjoy reading such a misunderstanding. This will go down in history!
You’re Canceled
Cancel culture exists now thanks to the internet, and for those of you who are familiar with this contemporary kind of exclusion, we’ll explain. In essence, it occurs when someone is vilified and excluded from a social or professional setting due to anything reprehensible that they have said or done.

You’re Canceled
This guy’s chances were gone before the first date in this situation due to an inappropriate question he posed. Come on dude, act like a gentleman!
The Cancelation Continues
The guy was so out of it that we decided to give you guys part two of this SMS conversation. In addition to not accepting no as a response, he persisted in bugging the girl while she was at work.

The Cancelation Continues
Then, to make matters worse, he made an attempt to lighten the mood by cracking a joke. We can all guess how that went down based on his texts up to this point. Let’s just say that this Wednesday date won’t happen!
Just Stop
Unfortunately, if you put yourself out there, you may occasionally encounter shady individuals. This can occur rather frequently in the realm of internet dating. Don’t worry if it occurs to you!

Just Stop
Just stop them before they can finish their next sentence. We would report and ban anyone speaking to us in the manner in which this man spoke to this girl as quickly as you can say “loser” — which, incidentally, is exactly what he is!
A Potential Predator
The biggest drawback of internet dating is that you don’t truly know who you’re chatting to. This implies that you might come into contact with a predator, however, it’s not always easy to identify one right away.

A Potential Predator
We’d say this guy is just a weirdo and not really a threat to society based on how outright he was with his desire to kidnap and his hair fetish, but the truth is, there’s really no way of knowing.
Born Too Late
When someone thinks you’re a robot when you text, you’re a lousy texter. But to be fair to this guy, she did give him reason to think that based on their strange interactions.

Born Too Late
Who declares, “I now release all thoughts of despair and hopelessness”? She appears to have been born in another time period, perhaps the Shakespearean era. The first greeting is where you ought to have stopped to save yourself. I’m not sorry, sorry!
We Disagree
On Twitter, @basicallycatx expressed how weird some individuals can be. Why do we think that she wrote it ironically? She tweeted a screenshot of her Snapchat conversation along with the phrase, “guys wouldn’t send crazy messages if you didn’t put up such weird photos.”

We Disagree
Because Cat only shared a photo of her new headphones on this site, but the guy who messaged her turned it into something completely obscene. We believe our girl has made her point at this point, which is that weird people will say and do creepy things regardless of what women publish online.
Who’s the Winner?
We have never been more perplexed and uneasy by both parties, to be perfectly honest. We were initially against this freak of a husband because of his oddly in-depth observation of his nanny, but his reply threw a wrench in the plan.

Who’s The Winner
The overly watchful husband or the eye-eating, Shrek-wannabe, babysitter, who do you think is least ominous? It’s okay if you’re having trouble making up your mind; the contest for who is the biggest creep is undoubtedly close.
A Wannabe Suitor
Even though we have to give this suitor credit for trying some unconventional strategies, it doesn’t change the fact that his motivations are still a little creepy for a stranger. You can’t immediately try to be someone’s boyfriend after exchanging greetings.

A Wannabe Suitor
We don’t care if he’s dressed sharply in a $1,000 suit, tie, and fedora. We also advise him to visit a contemporary retailer because no one wears a fedora these days.
Keep Your Money
Call us traditional, but we’re not accustomed to people being so adamant about handing away cash. I mean, when did this start to exist? However, given that the recipient also doesn’t understand the request, we can infer from her response that it is not a typical request.

Keep Your Money
We believe that since there is no such thing as a free lunch (Milton Friedman is to thank for that one), he will expect something in return for his financial contribution. What do you think, guys?
Treat Me Like a Goddess
Everyone wants their significant other to treat them like gods and goddesses, with an emphasis on significance. If a stranger or someone we don’t like tries to do this, it’s too much and plain annoying.

Treat Me Like A Goddess
The girl’s one-word reply reveals that she isn’t interested in it either. Try the less is more strategy the next time, okay, to the guy trying to flirt?
Pearly Whites
In today’s society, there is a lot of pressure to appear professional. Having spotless skin, gorgeous hair, and of course, a grin fit for a Colgate commercial is required. So it’s not surprising that someone with perfect teeth would get compliments on them.

Pearly Whites
What surprises me, though, is this spooky DM. What, does this guy want to date her teeth? His obsession with the human mouth repels us. Before he tries to steal her teeth, she might want to strike him with a block.
Let’s Play
It’s common for us to think of board games like Monopoly or Scrabble when someone asks us to play a game in real life. You will need to use some creativity if you receive this question in a direct message, as it’s likely not in reference to a kid’s game.

Let’s Play
Sadly, our game fan on the other side is a little naive and thought he meant a one-on-one game like Backgammon. And in our perspective, it was rather evident here as the clue he gave was the term “intimate.”
Pizza Over Boys
We actually feel bad for this guy, who is obviously being taken advantage of by pizza. Yes, you heard correctly. The girl chooses to tell him who her true feelings are in addition to making it apparent that she is not interested.

Pizza Over Boys
The majority of individuals adore the cheese pie, despite the fact that it may not be a person. We get the excitement, but we don’t think she needed to include her favorite cuisine in the discussion. It would have been enough to say, “I don’t feel the same way,” simply.
You’ve Been Spammed
Really, the only time group texts or spam SMS are acceptable is when you’re inviting people to an event. Therefore, messaging nine girls and telling them the same thing is not considered to be in this category.

You’ve Been Spammed
We find it hard to believe that such sleazeballs exist and that they believe this stuff works, but we are so relieved that he was exposed. Catching the offender in the act is the sweetest form of vengeance. Please, Shaun, find yourself a hobby or something.
Word Vomit
We start to doubt the veracity of all of someone’s big statements when they send them all at once. Therefore, even though we took the breakup text seriously, the other texts left us perplexed.

Word Vomit
Surely the main topic of this conversation would be pregnancy? And if that’s the case, who really cares if the Xbox is broken? Nothing makes sense to us. How do you all feel?
Ask and You Shall Receive
We ought to be tired of these hilarious “give me a naughty image” requests, but we simply aren’t. We find it inexplicable that these lads would ask girls for such a thing, but they frequently receive exactly what they deserve.

Ask And You Shall Receive
And in this scenario, after seeing that gruesome image, the guy most likely experienced some gastrointestinal problems. In the event that any weirdo tries their luck with us, we intend to zoom in on this image, screenshot it, and use it as evidence. We are prepared and armed!
Getting Right to It
One characteristic of millennials and the generations that have come after them is that they dislike wasting time. Whether it is using an app to order takeout rather than cooking a homemade meal or posting an Instagram with a manipulated background rather than going to the location.

Getting Right To It
We’ve overlooked all of their eccentricities, but the DM culture is one thing we find difficult to comprehend. What happened to a straightforward “Hello, how are you? People these days prefer to bypass the first few courses and go straight to dessert.