Fun General Knowledge Facts

Published on 08/30/2020

Being on top of your general knowledge game can never hurt, who knows when these random yet interesting facts may come in handy. Increasing your general knowledge also affects your intelligence and may just help you win that next trivia game. These facts may be random, they may be useful, but even we didn’t know some of them so her they are. A few general knowledge facts that may help you in life, or may just make you sound really smart for knowing them.

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Fun General Knowledge Facts

  1. The only animals that cannot jump are elephants
  2. You all have a unique tongue print, just as we all have individual fingerprints
  3. Honey is the only food that never goes off
  4. You can’t die from holding your own breath
  5. The longest word you can make by using only one line on the keyboard is: TYPEWRITER
  6. When you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond
  7. Mohammed is the most common name across the globe
  8. The longest muscle in the whole of your body is your tongue
  9. The blood of a lobster is blue, insects have yellow blood and mammals is red
  10. Antarctica is the only continent that does not grow corn
  11. The only birds that do not have the ability to walk are the hummingbird, the loon, the swift, the kingfisher, and the greb
  12. The fastest human sense is the ability to hear, humans can sense sound in just 0.095 seconds
  13. Earth is the only planet that is not named after a god
  14. The thigh bones of humans are stronger than concrete
  15. Geckoes have millions of small hairs on their feet which is how they stick to surfaces, these hairs let them hang with just one toe
  16. The word “Astronaut” is rooted in the Greek words that mean “sailor” and “star”
  17. Nile crocodiles can hold their breath for two hours as they simply wait to hunt
  18. Jellyfish have no brain, no heart, and no bones
  19. Scientists believe the best nap time is between 1 pm and 2:30 pm this is due to a lowering in our body temperature which makes us tired
  20. In the dinosaur age, a day was 23 hours and not 24, this is due to earth’s rotation speed changing over time
  21. Seahorses move their eyes in opposite directions, allows them to thoroughly scan the water
  22. The largest wave ever surfed stood at the length of a 10 story building
  23. Humans lose between 50 to 100 hairs every day
  24. The smallest fruit is called a utricle and is the same size as an ant
  25. It takes Komodo Dragons less than a minute to eat 5 pounds of meat, and they keep any extra fat in their tails
  26. Clouds always cover roughly 60% of Earth
  27. Apes always laugh when being tickled
  28. Human hair has traces of gold
  29. They have found opal on Mars
  30. One gallon of ice cream requires a gallon and a half of milk
  31. The most unhygienic and germ-found item in any home, hospital or hotel room is the TV remote
  32. North Korea and Cuba are the only places were Coca-Cola is not sold