Facial Hair
Looking at the Amish men, people immediately notice their incredibly long bears, but oddly, they have cleanly shaven faces besides the beard. Since they believe they need to live as God created them, they choose not to shave their hair. However, shaving their mustache is the exception. During the 1800’s, mustaches were associated with military or wealthy men. Thus, the Amish wanted to separate themselves from the mainstream society and those who waged war. That’s when they forbid Amish men from growing mustaches.

Facial Hair
Labeling Outsiders
No matter what you look like or where you are from, the Amish will refer to you as an English person. This tradition dates back to when they first settled in North America. All those the Amish came into contact with were settlers who spoke English. Thus, they referred to them as English and as with much of their customs, they never bothering changing it from years ago. So all outsiders are English to them.

Labeling Outsiders